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  • LJISUVEI@ustc.edu.cn
  • 工商管理系
  • 组织与人力资源

Lincoln is a researcher in management at the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of Science and Technology of China, and continued his work as a postdoctoral researcher in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. His research work is in Organizational Behavior (OB), with a focus on emotions, emotional labor, leadership, selection, and employee commitment.




First-author publications


Sungu, L. J., and Weng, Q. (Derek). (2024). Licensed to Misbehave? Leader Decisiveness Given Follower’s Competence and Misconduct. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 31(3), 319-337. https://doi.org/10.1177/15480518241266902

Sungu, L.J., Hu, E., Weng, Q. (2020). Goal Commitment Buffers the Negative Effects of Perceived Abusive Supervision. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 154 (4), 273-291.


Sungu, L.J., Weng, Q., Hu, E., Kitule, J.A., Fang, Q. (2020). How Does Organizational Commitment Relate to Job Performance? A Conservation of Resource Perspective. Human Performance, 33 (1), 52-69.


Sungu, L.J., Weng, Q., Kitule, J.A. (2019). When organizational support yields both performance and satisfaction: The role of performance ability in the lens of social exchange theory. Personnel Review, 48 (6), 1410-1428.


Sungu, L.J., Weng, Q., Xu, X. (2019). Organizational commitment and job performance: Examining the moderating roles of occupational commitment and transformational leadership. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 27 (3), 280-290.


Selected publication Assists

1.      Wenyang Gao, Qingxiong (Derek) Weng, Anastasiia Popelnukha, & Lincoln Jisuvei (2024). Their bad experiences make me think twice: Customer‐to‐colleague incivility, self‐reflection, and improved service delivery. Applied Psychology. DOI:10.1111/apps.12538

2.      Cynthia Atamba, John Kipngetich Mosonik, David Stuckler, Lincoln Jisuvei, Cornelia Melinda Adi Santoso, & Halima Habuba Mohamed (2023). Impact of Workplace Mistreatment on Employees’ Health and Well-Being in Chinese Firms: A Systematic Review. DOI: 10.1177/21582440231211417

3.      Alexander (Degreat) Narh Tetteh, Qingxiong (Derek) Weng & Lincoln Jisuvei Sungu (2023). How much conflict is too much? How frequent task conflict expressions affect angels’ reinvestment intention, International Journal of Conflict Management

4.      Glory George-Ufot., JiuChang Wei., Oyinkansola Christiana Kevin-Israel., Mona Salim., Muhideen Sayibu., Halima Habuba Mohamed & Lincoln Jisuvei Sungu (2023). Can the Ebola experience in West Africa help to combat the COVID-19 pandemic? Testing the critical incident management systems model in the COVID-19 context, Information Technology and People, 36(7): 2774-2803. DOI 10.1108/ITP-10-2021-0800

5.      Stephen Tetteh, Cisheng Wu, Lincoln Jisuvei Sungu, Christian Narh Opata & Gloria Nana Yaa Asirifua Agyapong (2019) Relative impact of differences in job security on performance among local government employees: The moderation of affective commitments, Journal of Psychology in Africa, 29(5): 413-420. doi.org/10.1080/14330237.2019.1675980

6.      Ting Ting Niu & Lincoln Jisuvei (2024). Entrepreneur Ambition and Business Performance: The Role of Proactive Behaviour and Family Support. Academy of Management Proceedings

7.      Hafiz Habib Tayyab, Qingxiong Derek Weng, Anastasiia Popelnukha, Lincoln Jisuvei, & Alexander Degreat Narh Tetteh (2023). Supervisor Perception of Psychological Contract Breach and Abusive Supervision. Academy of Management Proceedings

8.      Anastasiia Popelnukha, Qingxiong Derek Weng & Lincoln Jisuvei (2022). Leading Future Work Self to Progress: the Role of Proximal Goals and Self-reflection. Academy of Management Proceedings

9.      Anastasiia Popelnukha & Lincoln Jisuvei (2022). The Interaction Role of Self-reflection and Self-distancing in Predicting Career Planning. Academy of Management Proceedings


1.      So Far (Not) So Good? How Between-Episode Customer Behavior Changes Influence Employee Emotional Labor and Service Delivery 

2.      Your Wish, My Command: Reconciling the Regulatory Focus and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relation 

More information (updates} about the publications can be accessed at the following link https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lincoln-Jisuvei

