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  • 李义娜
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  • +86-551-63606573
  • yinali@ustc.edu.cn
  • 工商管理系
  • 市场营销



Yi-Na Li, Zhijian Cui*, Jiuchang Wei (2024), When Do People Switch Queues? An Empirical Study of Discretionary Queue Switching at a Physical Examination Center, Decision Sciences 10.1111/deci.12646

Qianwen Shao, Yi-Na Li*, Jiuchang Wei, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, (2024), A punishment shared is a punishment halved: Concurrent recalls reduce products’ market share loss. Psychology & Marketing 10.1002/mar.22006

Jiuchang Wei, Yiming Lu, Yi-Na Li* (2024), Time in hand: Temporal focus in Risk Discourse and Audience Emotions on Knowledge-Sharing Platforms, Risk Analysis, 10.1111/risa.17647

Jiuchang Wei, Junkai Ji*, Yi-Na Li (2024), The Synergy Effect of Multi-Country Policy Actions Announced in Reaction to Global Risk: A Network Structure Perspective, Risk Analysis.10.1111/risa.14305

Yi-Na Li, Yan Li, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Jiuchang Wei* (2023), How verbal and non-verbal cues in a CEO apology for a corporate crisis affect a firm’s social disapproval, Journal of Business Research, 167, 114084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114084

Jiuchang Wei, Ming Jiang, Yi-Na Li*, Wenjing Li, James Mead (2023), The impact of product defect severity and product attachment on consumer negative emotions, Psychology & Marketing, 40, 1026-1042. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21778

Yiming Lu, Yi-Na Li*, Jiuchang Wei (2023), Simple but Logical: Risk knowledge design and its impact on engagement in online knowledge community, Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(1), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-11-2021-0838

Rui Wang, Yi-Na Li, Jiuchang Wei* (2020), Growing in the Changing Global Landscape: The Intangible Resources and Performance of High-tech Corporates, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 39:999-1022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-020-09744-8

Huizhen Jin*, Yi-Na Li*, Dongjin Li*, Jun Zheng* (2020), The Effects of Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent Labeling on Dieters’ Food Consumption and Post‐consumption Physical Activity, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 54(2): 723-42. https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12299

Xinzhe Lin, Yi-Na Li*, Xiaolan Wan, Jiuchang Wei (2020), Market Reaction to the International Acquisitions by Chinese Firms: The Role of Potential Intelligence Sourcing and Preannouncement, Chinese Management Studies, 14(4):915-934 doi.org/10.1108/CMS-11-2019-0394

Huan Yang, Yi-Na Li*, Kang Zhang (2020), The Interactive Influences of Color Attributes on Color Perception Bias, The Visual Computer, 36(5): 925-937. https://doi.org/10.1007/S00371-019-01706-6

Yi-Na Li, Kang Zhang*, Dong-Ni Hu, Mao Lin Huang (2019), The influence of edge bundling on visual information search, Information Sciences, 495:234-246. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2019.05.007 

Chu-Bing Zhang, Yi-Na Li*, How social media usage influences B2B customer loyalty: Roles of trust and purchase risk (2019), Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. doi:10.1108/JBIM-07-2018-0211.

 Yi-Na Li, Miaomiao Cai, Kaiya Wu*, Jiuchang Wei (2019), Decoupling Analysis of Carbon Emission from Construction Land in Shanghai, Journal of Cleaner Production, 210: 25-34. doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.249

Meng-Jia Zhang, Jie Li*, Kang Zhang*, Yi-Na Li (2017), Visual Exploration of 3D Geospatial Networks in A Virtual Reality Environment, Computer Journal, 61(3), 447-458. doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxx117

Yi-Na Li*, Kang Zhang, Dong-Jin Li (2017), How Dimensional and Semantic Attributes of Visual Symbol Influence Relative Value Estimation, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Vol.14, Iss. 3 Article No.18. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3059006

Yi-Na Li, Kang Zhang*, Dong-Jin Li (2017), Rule-Based Automatic Generation of Logo Designs, Leonardo, 50(2):177-181. doi:

Chu-Bing Zhang, Yi-Na Li*, Bo-Wu, Dong-Jin Li (2017), The Roles of Network Externalities and Social Interaction Ties in Building Wechat Users’ Continuance Intention, Computers in Human Behavior,69: 284-293. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.069

Yi-Na Li, Dong-Jin Li*, Kang Zhang (2016), The Impact of Metaphors on Information Visualization, Journal of Visualization,20(76): 1-18. doi:10.1007/s12650-016-0371-9





