GUO Xiaolong
Department of Management Science
Discipline: Operations Management
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2014


Xiaolong Guo received his PhD from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2014 and now is a Postdoc Researcher at the School of Management of USTC. His research interests include logistics and supply chain management, service operations management, tourism management, and marketing related problems. He has published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, among others.


Selected Publications

  1. Xiaolong Guo, Yugang Yu*, Gad Allon, Meiyan Wang, Zhentai Zhang. (2021). RiRiShun Logistics: Home appliance delivery data for the 2021 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management data-driven research challenge. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Forthcoming, doi: 10.1287/msom.2021.0994. [pdf].

  2. Xiaolong Guo, Shengming Zheng*, Yugang Yu, Fuqiang Zhang. (2021). Optimal bundling strategy for a retail platform under agency selling. Production and Operations Management, Published online.  [pdf].

  3. Yugang Yu, René de Koster, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2015). Class-based storage with a finite number of items: Using more classes is not always better. Production and Operations Management, 24(8): 1235-1247. [pdf]

  4. Yugang Yu, Yuxuan Dong, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2018). Pricing for sales and per-use rental services with vertical differentiation. European Journal of Operational Research, 270(2): 586-598. [pdf]

  5. Zhaofu Hong, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2019). Green product supply chain contracts considering environmental responsibilities. Omega, 83: 155-166. [pdf]

  6. Xiaolong Guo, Ran Chen, Shaofu Du, Yugang Yu*. (2021). Storage assignment for newly arrived items in forward picking areas with limited open locations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 151: 102359 (1-22).  [pdf].

  7. Yugang Yu, Ganquan Huang, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2020). Financing strategy analysis for a multi-sided platform with blockchain technology. International Journal of Production Research, Published online. [pdf].

  8. Bingbing Liu, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Yugang Yu, Lin Tian. (2021). Manufacturer's contract choice facing competing online retail platforms. International Journal of Production Research, 59(10): 3017-3041.  [pdf].

  9. Ting Chen, Feng Yang*, Xiaolong Guo. (2021). Optimal bundling in a distribution channel in the presence of substitutability and complementarity. International Journal of Production Research, 59(4): 1145-1165. [pdf]

  10. Xiaolong Guo, Lihong Cheng, Jie Liu*. (2020). Green supply chain contracts with eco-labels issued by the sales platform: Profitability and environmental implications. International Journal of Production Research, 58(5): 1485-1504. [pdf]

  11. Yugang Yu, Libo Sun, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2020). Dual-channel decision in a shopping complex when considering consumer channel preference. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(10): 1638-1656. [pdf]

  12. Ting Chen, Feng Yang, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2020). Retailer-driven bundling when valuation discount exists. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(12): 2027-2041. [pdf]

  13. Xiabing Zheng, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding). (2016). E-retailing of restaurant services: Pricing strategies in a competing online environment. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(11): 1408-1418. [pdf]

  14. Xiaolong Guo, Ben Li, Yan Liu*, Liang Liang. (2017). Eliminating the inconvenience of carrying: Optimal pricing of delivery service for retailers. Service Science, 9(3): 181-191. [pdf]

  15. Liuyi Ling, Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Chenchen Yang. (2014). Opening the online marketplace: An examination of hotel pricing and travel agency on-line distribution of rooms. Tourism Management, 45: 234-243. [pdf]

  16. Xiaolong Guo (Corresponding), Liuyi Ling, Yufeng Dong, Liang Liang. (2013). Cooperation contract in tourism supply chains: The optimal pricing strategy of hotels for cooperative third party strategic websites. Annals of Tourism Research, 41: 20-41. [pdf]

  17. Xiaolong Guo, Liuyi Ling, Chenchen Yang*, Zhaoqiong Li, Liang Liang. (2013). Optimal pricing strategy based on market segmentation for service products using online reservation systems: An application to hotel rooms. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 35: 274-281. [pdf] (TOP25 Hottest Articles: URL01; URL02; URL03; URL04)

  18. Xiaolong Guo*, Xiaoxiao Li, Yugang Yu*. (2021). Publication delay adjusted impact factor: The effect of publication delay of articles on journal impact factor. Journal of Informetrics, 15(1): 101100 (1-14). [pdf]