HE Yue Non-tenured Associate Professor Office:Room 713,Building 5, USTC Institute of International Financial Research Email:yuehe8@ustc.edu.cn Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2019 |
Education: Ph.D. in Accounting, City University of Hong Kong 2015~2019 M.S. in Financial Management, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 2012~2015 B.A. in Japanese, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 2008~2012 B.A. in Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law(associated) 2008~2012
Teaching experience: Managerial accounting, Financial accounting, Corporate governance
Research Interest: Auditing, information disclosure, corporate innovation, and investment efficiency
Working Paper Yue He, Bing Li, and Jeffrey Pittman, Does the Threat of a PCAOB Inspection Mitigate U.S. Institutional Investors’ Home Bias? Yue He and Bing Li, Does Public Audit Oversight Affect Auditor Market Share? Evidence from non-US Auditor Exposure to PCAOB Inspection Program Yue He, Bing Li, and Jeong-Bon Kim, Auditor Expertise Developed from Client Technological Links
Publication Mingdong Ran and Yue He “Media Coverage, Institutional Environment and Audit Fee”, Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (CSSCI) (Chinese Journal), 2014(3), pp.123-130. Mingdong Ran, Chenglong Wang, and Yue He. “Audit quality, Changes in Accounting Standards and Earning Management to Meet Analyst Expectations”. Journal of Audit Research (CSSCI) (Chinese Journal), 2016(5) pp.63-72. [Graduation Thesis of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law]
Conference The MIT Asia conference in accounting, Hong Kong, Presenter 2018 SOAR Accounting Symposium, Singapore 2017 Selected participant for SOAR Doctoral Consortium, Singapore 2017
Selected Grants, Fellowships, and Awards: UGC-grant studentship in City University of Hong Kong 2015~2018 Best paper in Graduation Thesis of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 2015 Best master graduates of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 2015