YU Yugang
Department of Management Science
Discipline: Operations Management
Office:School of Management, 96 Jinzhai, Hefei, Anhui, China
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2010

Academic Degrees
Ph.D., School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), December, 2003

Professional Experience
Professor of Logistics and Operations Management

Research Areas
Warehousing, Logistics, Supply Chain Management

Selected Publications

 [49]    Xiaolong Guo, Yugang Yu*, Gad Allon, Meiyan Wang, Zhentai Zhang. (2024). RiRiShun Logistics: Home Appliance Delivery Data for the 2021 MSOM Data Driven Research Challenge. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.26(4):1358-1371.

[48]    Yong Zha, Kehong Zha, LIngxiu Dong, Yugang  Yu(2024). Financing Supplier Through Retailer’s Credit , Production and Operations Management , 33(3): 721-736.

[47]    Junfei Lei, Fuqiang Zhang, Renyu Zhang, Yugang Yu(2023). Inventory Commitment and Monetary Compensation Under Competition , Manufacturing & Service Operations Management , 25(6): 2142-2159.

[46]    Yong Zha, Yuan Li, Tingliang Huang, Yugang Yu(2023). Strategic Information Sharing of Online Platforms as Resellers or Marketplaces , Marketing Science , 2023 , 42(4): 659-678.

[45]    Yuxuan Dong , René De Koster , Debjit Roy , Yugang Yu*(2022). Dynamic vehicle allocation policies for shared autonomous electric fleets , Transportation Science , 2022 , 56(5): 1238-1258.

[44]    Xiaolong Guo, Lihong Cheng, Yugang Yu*(2022). Government Subsidy Policy for Green and Efficient Raw Materials Considering Farmer Heterogeneity , Production and Operations Management , 31(11): 4095-4112.

[43]    Libo Sun , Guodong Lyu , Yugang Yu , Chung Piaw Teo(2021). Cross-border e-commerce data set: Choosing the right fulfillment option , Manufacturing & Service Operations Management , 23(5): 1297-1313.

[42]    Ye Shi, Layth Alwan, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Yugang Yu*, Xiaohang Yue. (2021), Mobile Consumer Scanning Technology: A Replacement for Interorganizational Information Systems for Demand Information Learning in Supply Chains. Accepted, Information Systems Research, 32(4):1431-1449.

[41]    Xiaolong Guo, Shengming Zheng, Yugang Yu Fuqiang Zhang. (2021). Optimal Bundling Strategy for a Retail Platform Under Agency Selling. Production and Operations Management.

[40]    Amir Hossein Gharehgozli, Yu, Yugang, Zhang, Xiandong and Rene de Koster. (2017). Polynomial time algorithms to minimize total travel time in a two-depot Automated Storage/Retrieval System, Transportation Science, 51(1), 19-33.

[39]    Zaerpour, Nima(my student), Yu, Yugang*, and Koster, René BM (2015), "Storing Fresh Produce for Fast Retrieval in an Automated Compact Cross-Dock System." Production and Operations Management 24(8): 1266-84.

[38]    Yu, Yugang, Koster, René, and Guo Xiaolong (2015), "Class-Based Storage with a Finite Number of Items: Using More Classes Is Not Always Better." Production and Operations Management 24(8): 1235-47.

[37]    Nima Zaerpour, Yugang Yu*, René de Koster. (2017). Small is Beautiful: A Framework for Evaluating and Optimizing Live-Cube Compact Storage Systems. Transportation Science, 51(1), 34-51.

[36]    A.H. Gharehgozli, Gilbert Laporte, Yugang Yu*, René De Koster. (2015). Scheduling Twin Yard Cranes in a Container Block. Transportation Science. 49(3):433-719. 

[35] Zaerpour, N., Yu, Yugang*, & de Koster, R. B. (2017) Optimal two-class-based storage in a live-cube compact storage system, IISE Transactions, 49(7): 653-668.

[34] Zaerpour, N., Yu, Yugang*, & de Koster, R. B. (2017) Response time analysis of a live-cube compact storage system with two storage classes, IISE Transactions, 49(5): 461-480.

 [33] Yu, Yugang, Liu, J.*, Han, X., & Chen, C. (2017). Optimal decisions for sellers considering valuation bias and strategic consumer reactions. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(2), 599-613.

 [32] Guo, X., Yu, Yugang*, & De Koster, R. B. (2016). Impact of required storage space on storage policy performance in a unit-load warehouse. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2405-2418.

[31] Yu, Yugang, Han, X., & Hu, G. (2016). Optimal production for manufacturers considering consumer environmental awareness and green subsidies. International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 397-408.

[30] Hong, Z., Chu, C., & Yu, Yugang. (2016). Dual-mode production planning for manufacturing with emission constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1), 96-106.

 [29] Ye Shi (my student), Yuang Yu*, Liang Liang (2015), Operational impact on the environment: Managing service systems with environmental deterioration, International Journal of Production Economics, 170(Part A), 310–320.

[28] Yugang Yu, Xiaoya, Han, Jie Liu*, & Qin Chen (2015), Supply chain equilibrium among companies with offline and online selling channels, International Journal of Production Research, 53(22),6672-6688. 

[27] Ning Jiang(my student), Linda L. Zhang & Yugang Yu* (2015), Optimization Cooperative Advertising Profit Sharing and Inventory Policies in a VMI Supply Chain: a Nash Bargaining Model and Hybrid Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(4), 449 - 461. (DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2015.2469684)

[26] Jingjing Hao(my student), Yugang Yu & Linda L. Zhang (2015), Optimal Design of a 3D Compact Storage System with the I/O Port at the Lower Mid-point of the Storage Rack, International Journal of Production Research, Acc53(17), 5153-5173.

[25] Xu Xianhao, Shen Guwen, Yu Yugang & Huang Wei (2015) Travel time analysis for the double-deep dual-shuttle AS/RS, International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 757-773.

[24] Gharehgozli, Amir(my student); Yu, Yugang*; de Koster René, et al (2014), An Exact Method for Scheduling a Yard Crane, European Journal of Operational Research, 235(2), 431-447.

[23] Du Shaofu, Nie Tengfei, Chu Chengbin, Yu Yugang* (2014),Reciprocal supply chain with intention, European Journal of Operational Research, 239(2),389-402.

[22] Gharehgozli, Amir(my student); Yu, Yugang*; De Koster, René; Udding, Jan Tijmen (2014), A Decision-Tree Stacking Heuristic Minimizing the Expected Number of Reshuffles at a Container Terminal, International Journal of Production Research, 52(9), 2592-2611.

[21] Du Shaofu, Nie Tengfei, Chu Chengbin & Yu Yugang (2014), Newsvendor model for a dyadic supply chain with Nash bargaining fairness concerns, International Journal of Production Research, 52(17), 5070-5085.

[20] Yu, Yugang*; Hong, Zhaofu; et al (2013), Optimal Selection of Retailers for a Manufacturing Vendor in a Vendor Managed Inventory System, European Journal of Operational Research, 225(2), 273–284.

[19] Yu, Yugang* & René B.M. de Koster (2013), On the suboptimality of full turnover-based storage, International Journal of Production Research, 51(6),1635-1647.

[18] Zaerpour, Nima(my student), De Koster, René B.M. & Yu, Yugang* (2013), Storage policies and optimal shape of a storage system, International Journal of Production Research, 51(23-24), 6891-6899.

[17] Zhang, Zhe George;...;Yu, Yugang (2013), Dynamic pooling of make-to-stock and make-to-order operations, International Journal of Production Economics, 144(1), 44-56.

[16] Yu, Yugang* & Koster, René de (2012). Sequencing heuristics for storing and retrieving unit-loads in 3D compact automated warehousing systems. IIE Transactions, 44(2), 69-87. This is a featured article selected by the editor in chief for IE magazine.

[15] Wang, Zheng & Yu, Yugang (2012), Robust production control policy for a single machine and single part-type manufacturing system with inaccurate observation of production surplus, IIE Transactions, 44(12), 1061-1082.

[14] Yu, Yugang*, Chu, Chengbin, Chen, Haoxun & Chu, Feng (2012). Large scale stochastic inventory routing problems with split delivery and service level constraints. Annals of Operations Research, 197(1), 135-158.

[13] Yu, Yugang*, Wang, Zheng. and Liang, Liang.(2012), A vendor managed inventory supply chain with deteriorating raw materials and products. International Journal of Production Economics, 136 (2), 266-274.

[12] Linda L. Zhang, Qianli Xu, Yugang Yu (2012). Domain-based production configuration with constraint satisfaction,International Journal of Production Research, 50(24), 7149-7166.

[11] Liu, Ya, Chu, Chengbin & Yu, Yugang (2012). Aggregated state dynamic programming for a multiobjective two-dimensional bin packing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 50(15), 4316-4325.

[10] Yu, Yugang*, Huang, George Q. & Hong, Zhaofu (2011). An Integrated Pricing and Deteriorating Model and a Hybrid Algorithm for a VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) Supply Chain. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 8(4), 673-682.

[9] Yu, Yugang* & Huang, George Q. (2010). Nash game model for optimizing market strategies, configuration of platform products in a vendor managed inventory (VMI) supply chain for a product family. European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2), 361-373.

[8] Anh, T. le, Koster, René de & Yu, Yugang* (2010). Performance evaluation of dynamic scheduling approaches in vehicle-based internal transport systems. International Journal of Production Research, 48(24), 7219-7242.

[7] Yu, Yugang* & Koster, René de (2009). Designing an optimal turnover-based storage rack for a 3D compact automated storage and retrieval system. International Journal of Production Research, 47(6), 1551-1571.

[6] Yu, Yugang* & Koster, René de (2009). Optimal zone boundaries for two-class-based compact three-dimensional automated storage and retrieval systems. IIE Transactions, 41(3), 194-208.

[5] Yu, Yugang*, Chu, F. & Chen, H.X. (2009). A Stackelberg game and its improvement in a VMI system with a manufacturing vendor. European Journal of Operational Research, 192(3), 929-948.

[4] Yu, Yugang*, Huang, George Q. & Liang, L. (2009). Stackelberg game theory model for optimizing advertising, pricing and inventory policies in vendor managed inventory (VMI) supply chains. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 57(1), 368-382.

 [3] Yu, Yugang*, Chen, H.X. & Chu, F. (2008). A new model and hybrid approach for large scale inventory routing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 189(3), 1022-1040.

[2] Yu, Yugang*, Chu, F. & Chen, H.X. (2007). A note on coordination of production and distribution planning. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(1), 626-629.

[1] Zhang, T., Liang, L. & Yu, Yugang (2007). An integrated vendor -managed - inventory model for two-echelon system with ordering cost reduction. International Journal of Production Economics, 109(1/2), 241-253.

Courses Taught
Supply Chain Management
Operations Research

Part 1: Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (April 2007-now)

- International Business Management (April 2007-now)

Part 2: Selected Membership
-Member of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and Management Science).
-High Performance Member of ERIM (the Erasmus Research Institute of Management), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
-Member of the Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (OCSAMSE).
-Founding Individual Members of ICEB (International Consortium for Electronic Business).

Part 3: Selected service for International Conferences
 2011: Session chair of the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, 2011.
 2010: an Invited Organizing Session Chair, The 2010 Annual Conference of OCSAMSE (The Overseas Chinese

        Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering), July 11-12, 2010, Beijing, China.
 2008: INFORMS Annual Meeting session organizer (2008) for the Facility Logistics sessions of the Transportation Science & Logistics Section of INFORMS. 13 sessions were collected, and chairs were appointed by me.
 2008: Session chair of the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 2008.

Address: School of Management, 96 Jinzhai, Hefei, Anhui, China
Email: ygyums(a)gmail.com
Homepage: http://en.business.ustc.edu.cn/Research/Byname/Y/YUYugang/TPRS-2014-IJPR-1898.R1 - Supply chain equilibrium among companies with offline and online selling
channelsAfter-Sales Maintenance Support for Assembled Systems Considering Their Profitability in the Market" by Guo, Xiaolong; Yu, Yugang,