年份:2014 年 11 月
对员工的离职决策进行分类,将其划分为冲击型、计划型、冲动型、诱发型、忠诚型和谨慎型,并分别从个人目标和外在事件的性质将离职决策六大类划分为 22 种子路径。采用多案例分析的方法对论文所提出的离职决策多路径模型进行了检验,发现提出的离职决策路径模型能够较好地解释现实的离职行为;职业成长受限是引发员工离职的重要前因;对于大多数员工来说,在工作中追求的不仅包括职业目标的实现,还非常关注自身的生活目标和在组织中的情感目标实现。
题目:2014 年“职业发展与就业管理” 国际会议综述
摘要;如何促进劳动者职业发展、推动更高质量的就业是当前学术界和实践界都十分关切 的重要问题。2014 年 11 月 6 日至 8 日,于合肥召开的“职业发展与就业管理”国际会议对相 关问题展开了讨论。本文结合会议的主题报告和分会场讨论,就职业发展、就业问题、创业研究、 组织与人力资源管理等议题对本次会议的主要观点进行综述。
摘要:本文借助人与环境匹配理论、组织支持理论和工作动机理论,阐明了组织职业生涯管理(职业指导、职业支持)通 过P-O(人与组织的价值观)匹配和P-J(人 与岗位的能力要求 ) 匹配促进员工职业成长的机制。本研究采取三波次时跨一年的问卷调查,收集了364个有效 研究样本。实证研究发现:职业指导和职业支持均对P-O 匹配和P-J匹配具有显著正向影响; P-O 匹配和 P-J匹配对职业成长的三个维度(职业目标进展、职业能力发展、组织回报增长)均 具有显著正向影响,且在职业生涯管理与职业成长的关系中起显著中介作用;在控制匹配的作 用后,职业指导仍对职业目标进展有直接的正向影响,职业支持对职业能力发展、组织回报增 长也具有直接的正向影响。
摘要:在对包含12 933个样本量的53篇有效文献进行元分析的基础上,分别对营利性 组织和非营利性组织中魅力型领导与个体绩效、团队绩效、组织绩效的关系研究进行定量分 析。研究结果表明,魅力型领导与各层面的绩效水平均显著正相关,其中与组织绩效的相关性 最高,团队绩效次之,个体绩效最低;魅力型领导的测量方法、区域文化等对魅力型领导和员工 绩效之间的关系起到调节作用。此外,对魅力型领导今后的研究进行了展望。
摘要:虽然工作狂热的现象越来越普遍,也受到了相当的关注,但是相关的实证和理论研究却比 较缺乏,尤其是关于工作狂热的维度划分依然存在较大分歧。本文通过对最近 20 年关于工作 狂热研究文献的梳理与分析,阐明工作狂热的定义,剖析这一概念的结构维度,理清工作狂热产 生的原因,以及它对个人与组织的影响。在整合已有研究的基础上,从工作狂热与组织文化、工 作绩效、职业成长、健康等的关系出发,对未来研究方向提出了设想。
摘要:本研究基于儒家“五常”文化探讨了情感型领导的多维结构,并通过多项研究编 制和检验了情感型领导量表,考察了情感型领导对部属的离职倾向和建言行为的影响。研究一 通过访谈、开放式问卷等步骤编制了正式量表,基于两个样本(N=192,166)通过探索性因素分 析、验证性因素分析、相关分析等方法对量表进行了修订和效度信度检验。结果表明,情感型领 导包含情感关怀和情绪管理这两个维度,所开发量表具有良好的信度和效度。研究二基于两波 次143名参与者样本,比较了情感型领导与参与型、工具型及支持型领导的关联与差异,以及情 感型领导对员工离职倾向和建言行为的影响。结果表明,情感型领导与这三种领导类型能够显 著区分开来,情感型领导与部属的离职倾向负相关,与建言行为正相关,并且在分别控制了参 与型、工具型和支持型领导时对离职倾向和建言行为的方差具有增值解释作用。
题目:大五人格与主观职业成功的关系: 对过去 15 年研究的元分析
摘要:本研究运用元分析的方法,对过去 15 年关于大五人格与主观职业成功(即职业满意度) 的关系研究进行定量评述。通过文献检索,共筛选出包含 17331 个样本量的 16 篇有效文献,元分析结果发现: 大五人格与职业满意度显著相关,其中神经质与职业满意度的相关性最高( r = - 0 . 3 3 9 ) ,外向性 ( r = 0 . 2 1 7 ) 和宜人性 ( r = 0 . 1 5 8 ) 次之,尽责性 ( r = 0 . 1 3 7 ) 和经验开放性 ( r = 0. 125) 最低; 大五人格测量方法、研究的时间跨度、区域文化以及岗位类别等对大五人格和职 业满意度之间的关系起到调节作用。结果说明,大五人格能够有效地预测职业满意度,且在不同地区、不同岗位大五人格和职业满意度的关系存在一定的差异性。研究还对进一步探讨大五人格与职业满意度的关系提出了展望。
摘要:随着科技创新在国家和组织发展中重要性的日益凸显,如何有效地发挥科研人员的作用成为一个重要的研究问题。本文以调查获得的 305 名科研人员样本为研究对象,采用多元线性回归的方法分析了职业成长对工作投入与工作绩效的影响机制。研究发现:职业成长三个维度与工作投入均存在显著的正向相关,且其中职业能力发展与组织回报增长这两个维度的交互项对工作投入可以产生增值的预测作用;工作投入与工作绩效正向相关,并且在职业成长与工作绩效的关系中起到显著的中介作用。
validity, cross-cultural equivalence, and latent means examination of the
organizational career growth scale in Italy and China 》
Organizational Career
Growth scale (OCG scale) is a measure of employee perceptions of their chances
of development and advancement within an organization. Despite the growing
interest of scholars in this field, research using the OCG scale is in its
early infancy. The current study aims to contribute to the validation of the
OCG scale by testing its dimensionality and measurement invariance across
Italian (N = 882) and Chinese (N = 256) samples. Structural
Equation Modeling with Confirmatory Factorial Analysis, Multi-Group
Confirmatory Factorial Analysis and latent means analysis were used. The four-factor
model of the OCG scale prevailed both in the Italian and Chinese samples.
Moreover, full metric and partial scalar invariance were achieved. Overall, the
results supported the factorial validity and cross-cultural equivalence of the
OCG scale. Latent means examination showed evidence of significantly higher
latent means in the Chinese sample for three dimensions of the OCG scale
(career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed) than
in the Italian sample. Limitations, suggestions for future research and
practical implications are discussed.
the validity of situational judgment tests: The importance of scoring methods》
In recent years,
situational judgment tests (SJTs) have made strong inroads in assessment
practices. Despite the importance of scoring for the validity of SJTs, little
attention has been paid to different SJT scoring methods. This study
investigated the influence of scoring methods on the criterion-related validity
of SJTs. We examined five different consensus scoring methods (i.e., raw,
standardized, dichotomous, mode, and proportion scoring) and several integrated
scoring methods for scoring the same SJT. Results showed that one of the most
popular scoring approaches (raw consensus scoring) is associated with an extreme
response tendency and yields the lowest scale validity of all scoring
approaches examined. Moreover, the mean item validity of
midrange items was good
only when they were scored by the mode consensus method. Thus, this study
extends previous work (McDaniel et al., 2011) by deepening our understanding of
how different scoring methods improve the validities of SJTs. Our findings
suggest that using scoring methods that control the influence of extreme
response tendency on the scores of SJTs yields higher validities. Finally, this
study is the first to suggest that scoring SJTs with integrated methods yielded
higher mean item validities than using any single method.
relationship between electronic banking adoption and its antecedents: A meta-analytic
study of the role of national culture》
Any level of technology
adoption would be enhanced by considering the effects of cultural dimensions,
which can, in turn, lead banks to provide efficient global services. However,
prior studies fail to provide a clear understanding of the role that national
culture plays in electronic banking acceptance. Therefore, we conduct a
meta-analysis involving 62 samples from 27 countries or regions to explore how
national cultural dimensions moderate the relationships between consumer
behavioral intentions to use electronic banking and the constructs of performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, perceived risk, and trust. The
results showed that each of Hofstede’s national cultural dimensions has a
moderating effect on some of the relationships. In particular, when considering
using electronic banking, people pay more attention to social influence and
trust in high power distance countries; focus more on performance expectancy,
effort expectancy, and perceived risk in countries with high individualism; and
care more about performance expectancy and trust in high uncertainty avoidance
countries. Using these findings, providers could design more attractive and
effective IT products as well as targeted advertisements based on cultural
values of a specific country to improve the level of adoption.
Impression Management Is Rewarded? Moderating Roles of Supervisor Political
Skill and Dependence on Subordinate
abstract:In the
present study, we investigated the interactive effects of supervisor- and
situation- specific variables in understanding the effectiveness of subordinate
impression management (IM) behaviors (i.e., self-promotion, ingratiation,
exemplification, supplication and intimidation). Drawing from conservation of
resources and social/political influence theories, we argue that supervisor
political skill moderates the relationships between subordinate IM tactics and
reward recommendations from supervisor, and that the moderation role of
supervisor political skills in the relationships further depends on supervisor
dependence on subordinates. Multisource data from 214 supervisor-subordinate
dyads, collected at two time points from bank employees in Pakistan, revealed
that politically skilled supervisors, when making reward recommendations,
discount subordinates' positive IM behaviors, and even penalize their negative
IM behaviors. However, when those politically skilled supervisors were also
dependent on subordinates, supervisors rated those IM behaviors favorably for
reward recommendations. Implications and future research directions are
title:Are all
Internships Equally Beneficial? Toward a Contingency Model of Internship
abstract:The belief
that internships boost graduates’ career development calls for research on the
relationships between internship experiences and career outcomes. Employing
signaling theory, we argued that internships serve as a signal of a graduate’s
vocational capacity to potential employers. In this paper, we develop a
contingency model of internship efficacy based on two different internship
experiences (i.e., major-related vs. nonmajor- related), the moderating role of
contextual factors (i.e., major-job fit, discipline type, and educational
level), and starting salary as a mediator of the relationship between having an
internship and subsequent career outcomes. Using two-waves of data from 787
graduates in Eastern China, we found that while the influence of a
major-related internship experience was positive, the nonmajor-related
internship was generally negatively associated with starting salary. Moreover,
this negative relationship was significant for graduates with a high job- major
fit, graduates from STEM disciplines (Science, technology, engineering and
medicine), and postgraduates. The results suggest that all internship
experiences are not equally beneficial.
research has demonstrated relationships between the Big Five personality
factors and subjective career success (SCS), but the precise nature of these
relationships has been inconsistent, suggesting the presence of one or more
moderating variables. Extending Trait Activation Theory, we argue the value of
personality traits in predicting career success is contextually specific, and
propose that the relationships between the Big Five personality traits and
subjective career success (SCS) depend on certain cultural value dimensions and
vary across three cultural clusters (Anglo, Western Europe, and Asia).
Meta-analytic results (k = 48; N = 32,986), show that the Big Five – SCS
relationships are partially moderated by three cultural value dimensions (i.e.,
assertiveness, performance orientation, and institutional collectivism). The
results suggest new theoretical insights into the nature of relationships
between Big Five personality traits and subjective career success; and
elucidates the effects of cultural differences on career outcomes. The results
also provide important practical implications for both organizations and
individuals on how to deal with today’s international career mobility.
Breeds Response-ability: Instrumental Contemplation of Abusive Supervision
This article
investigates the link between perceived subordinate performance and abusive
supervision. From the perspective of moral exclusion theory, I examine
cooperative goals interdependence and competitive goals interdependence as key
boundary conditions to hypothesize and demonstrate the direct negative
relationship between low-performing subordinates and abusive supervision. Within
the moral exclusion framework, supervisors may strategically abuse low
performers when (a) cooperative goals interdependence is high, or (b)
competitive goals interdependence is low. Moreover, my study explores the
impact of abusive supervision on subordinate’s objective performance.