Department of Statistics and Finance
Discipline: Probability and statistics
Office:Room 1015, School of Management
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2008


  • University of Science and Technology of China , Ph.D, 2008, Hefei, China

  • University of Science and Technology of China , Bachelor, 2003, Hefei, China


  • University of Science and Technology of China, Associate Professor, 2010-, Hefei, China

  • National Cheng Kung University, Post-Doc, 2009-2010, Taiwan, China

  • University of Science and Technology of China, Research Associate, 2008-2010, Hefei, China


  • Applied Statistical Methods

  • Applied Stochastic Processes

  • Data, Model and Decision Making

JOURNAL ARTICLES (within 5 years)

  • Asymptotic behavior of tail distortion risk measure for aggregate weight-adjusted losses, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2023, 19(7): 2025-5044  (Corresponding author)

  • Price timing and financing strategies for a capital-constrained supply chain with price-dependent stochastic demand, International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 261(2023): 108885  (Corresponding author)

  • Prediction models with graph kernel regularization for network data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2023, 50(6): 1400-1417   (First author)

  • Capital allocation and pricing decisions under trade credit with time-sensitive stochastic demand, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023, 173(2023): 103093  (Corresponding author)

  • Collaboration mechanisms and community detection of statisticians based on ERGMs and kNN-walktrap, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2022, 138: 107372  (First author)

  • Ordering and interest rate strategies in platform finance with an overconfident and commerce retailer, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 153: 102430  (First author)

  • Business analytics: online promotion with gift rewards, Annals of Operations Research, 2020, 291(1-2): 1061-1076 

  • Green supply chain contracts with eco-labels issued by the sales platform: Profitability and environmental implications, International Journal of Production Research, 2020, 58(5): 1485-1504  (Corresponding author)