HE Xin
Non-tenured Associate Professor
Department of Statistics and Finance
Discipline: Finance
Office:Room 609, Buliding 1, International Institute of Finance, USTC
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2024

Research: Asset Pricing, Quantitative Investment

Website: https://www.xinhesean.com/

SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=3071233

Office: Room 609, Building 1, International Institute of Finance, USTC

Research Team:MLFINA https://mlfina.github.io/home/

Actively hiring research students interested in Quantitative Investment, with background from FIN/MATH/ORMS/STAT. Please email your transcript, cv, and cover letter to mlfina.ustc@gmail.com.

Selected Publication:

3. “Predicting Individual Corporate Bond Returns” with Guanhao Feng, Yanchu Wang, Chunchi Wu

        Forthcoming, Journal of Banking and Finance. 2024.

2. “Growing the Efficient Frontier on Panel Trees” with Lin William Cong, Guanhao Feng, and Jingyu He. 

        Forthcoming, Journal of Financial Economics. 2024.
        2022 INQUIRE Europe Research Grant Award

        2024 IQAM Research Award

1. “The Bright Side of Cross Ownership: Evidence From the Corporate Resilience to COVID-19 Crisis in China” with Yihui Chen and Haoyuan Wei.
        Forthcoming, International Review of Finance, 2024.

Updated, 20241222.