CUI Zhijian
Department of Business Administration
Discipline: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2017

Education Background

Ph.D in Management, INSEAD, France, 2006- 2011

Committee:  Christoph Loch (Chair),  Stelios Kavadias,  Sameer Hasija,  Rose Luo

The Ph.D dissertation won Best Dissertation Award from INFORMS Technology Management Society in 2012. 

Master of Science in Management, INSEAD, France, 2008

Passed the qualification exam with distinction 

M.B.A, Graziadio School of Business, Pepperdine University, U.S.A., 2002-2003

Master of Science in Management, Euromed Marseille School of Management, France, 2001-2002

GPA ranked 1st out of 132 students in class

B.E. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China, 1995-2000

Training Experience

· Executive Education Certificate, Harvard Business School, Participant Centered Colloquium of Learning and Case Writing, 08/2014 and 02/2015

· Executive Education Certificate,  IE Business School, Advanced Business Negotiation Workshop, 09/2011-10/2011

Academic Experience

                  1. University of Science and Technology of China,  School of Management, Hefei, China

· Professor of Business Administration (with Tenure),  from November 2017 to present 

· Director of MBA Program, from August 2019 - July 2020

· Deputy Director of MBA Teaching Committee, from December 2019 - July 2020

2. Nazarbayev University,  Graduate School of Business, Astana, Kazakhstan

· Associate Professor of Technology Management,  from August 2017 to March 2019

· Chair of Operations and Marketing Area, from August 2018 to March 2019

3. IE Business School,  Madrid, Spain

· Associate Professor of Operations and Technology Management (with Tenure“Contratados Permanentes”) from August 2016  to August 2017

· Assistant Professor of Operations and Technology Management, September 2011 to July 2016

4. HKUST Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,  Hong Kong, China

·  Visiting Assistant Professor of Operations Management,  August 2015 to August 2017

5. Duke University, Fuqua School of Business,  Durham,  US

· Visiting Scholar,  March 2018 and February 2019 

Non-academic Experience

· Plant Manager, Richfield Inc., City of Industry, California, 08/2003-08/2006

Managed a kitchen cabinet factory with 180 workers and 11 office staffs. 

Reformed the entire production & operations system and turned around the factory from losing 1.5 million dollars per year to profitable business in 10 months.

· Director Assistant, Admission Office, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, 10/2002-08/2003

· Quality Engineer, Siemens (China), Beijing, 08/2000-07/2001


1. Managing Conflict and Collaboration in New Product Development: Understanding the Strategy, Selecting the Partner and Designing the Governance Structure,  Scholars’ Press, 2013

Book Chapter

1. Game Theoretical Models in New Product Development, Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, edited by J. Wang, IGI-Global Press, 2013

Journal Publications

1. Ilk N., Shang G. Cui Z.*, and Zhang T., Towards New Frontiers: How Attainment Discrepancy Affects Exploratory Behavior in Crowdfunding,  forthcoming at Information & Management

2. Cui Z., Baraboshkin V. and Gon?alves D., 2024. Selecting-the-best vs. Eliminating-the-worst: An Experimental Investigation of Idea Evaluation Processes under Cognitive Bias Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management   DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2024.3459032 forthcoming

3. Li. Y., Cui Z.*, Ji J., and Wei J., 2024, When do People Switch Queues? An Empirical Study of Discretionary Queue Switching at a Physical Examination Center, Decision Sciences,  DOI: 10.1111/deci.12646  forthcoming

4. Zhang T. and Cui Z.*,  2024. Is R&D Volatility Conductive to Innovation? Distinguishing the Antecedents of Volatility,  IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,  71pp. 5656-5668.  DOI:10.1109/TEM.2024.3366544 

5. Cui Z., Liu S. and Hong J.,  2024. Political Connections and Innovation: A Stakeholder Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, pp. 5357-5371.  DOI:10.1109/TEM.2024.3360941

6. Cui Z., Kumar S. and Gon?alves D., 2019. Ranking vs. Scoring: An Experimental Study of Idea Evaluation Process, Production and Operations Management  28(1), pp. 176-188 DOI:10.1111/poms.12910

7. Cui Z. (single author). 2017. The impact of switching costs on the outsourcing of knowledge intensive business processes, Decision Sciences 48(1),  pp.71-107  DOI: 10.1111/deci.12211

* This paper won Best Paper Award from London Business School Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference “Management Science and Operations Management Track” and Finalist Award of Best Student Paper Competition from POMS Supply Chain Management College in 2011.

8Revilla E., Prado B. and Cui Z.* 2016. A knowledge-based perspective of innovation strategy: The differential effect of knowledge sources, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 63(4),  pp.362-376

9Yan W., Cui Z.*  and ?lvarez Gil M.. 2016. Assessing the impact of environmental innovations in the airline industry: An empirical study of emerging market economies, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 21, pp.81-94

10Yan W. and Cui Z.* 2016. On the factors contributing to the popularity of loyalty programs – evidence from the emerging marketsCornell Hospitality Quarterly, 57(2), pp.184-192

11. Cui Z. (single author). 2016 Decision making in cross-functional teams: the role of decision power, Decision Sciences, 47(3), pp.492-523.  DOI: 10.1111/deci.12188

* This paper won Best Paper Award (3rd place) from Columbia Business School Chazen Institute and CSAMSE (Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering) from 110 full-length paper submissions in 2010.    

12. Cui Z., Loch C., Grossmann B., He R. 2012. How the selection and management of providers contribute to successful innovation outsourcing, Production and Operations Management, 21(1), pp. 29 – 48

* This paper won “Harry Boer” Best Student Paper Award from EurOMA (European Operations Management Association) from 57 submissions.

13. Cui Z. and Loch C., 2011. A strategic decision framework for external innovation sourcing, lead article in International Journal of Innovation Management, 15(5), pp. 899 – 930

14. Cui Z., Loch C., Grossmann B., He R. 2009. Outsourcing innovations to different providers: lessons from Siemens, featured article in Research-Technology Management, 52(6), pp.54-63  

Refereed Conference Proceedings

1. Cui Z. and C. Loch, Why do Collaborative Projects Often Fail? – Causes and Cures from Conflict Management Perspective, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Management 2014 Annual Conference,  Japan, 07/2014

2. Cui Z., C. Loch, B. Grossmann, R. He, Matching Innovation Outsourcing Motivations and Innovation Providers: An Empirical Study at Siemens, 16th Annual International Conference of EurOMA (European Operations Management Association), Goteborg, Sweden, 06/2009.  

Paper Under Review

1. Cui Z. and Li C., How Misalignment of Design Status Perceptions Affects Product Innovation, Minor Revision at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

2. Cui Z., Zhang T. and Liu X.,  How does Tolerance for Failure Matter for Innovation?  Under Review at Management Science

3. Cui Z. and Xia Y., Scope Matters: How Heterogeneous Failure Experiences Affect Entrepreneurial Performance in Crowdfunding Projects. Under Review at Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice, 2024 

4. Cui Z. and Li C., An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of Collective Employee Turnover and Its Implications for Dismissal Policy - Evidence from a Distribution Center, Under Review at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

5. Hou B. and Cui Z., Distance creates beauty? Distance in intellectual property protection and university-industry collaboration innovation failure, Under Review at Journal of Product Innovation Management

Working Paper

1. Zhang T. Cui. Z. and Liu X., Quality Management and Innovation, targeting at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024

2. Baraboshkin V. and Cui. Z., A Systematic Review on the Idea Evaluation Process: Key Insights and Future Directions, targeting at IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2024

Teaching Case

1. Li Q,  Hughes R and Cui Z.., Labor Problems at 7-Eleven’s Combined Distribution Center,  UST 0815-044,   The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Thompson Case Center,  2016

Articles in Business Media

1. EUROBiz, Journal of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

· Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Succeeding in China’s Crowed Business Education Market, Cover Story, 2015. Volume July-AugustPages 15-17 

2. Forbes (India) Online Magazine

· Paradox of Choosing Platforms, with Y. Wu, January 2013,  http://forbesindia.com/article/ie/paradox-of-choosing-platforms/34553/1

· Design a Service Outsourcing Process, with S. Hasija and A. Sengupta, December 2012,  http://forbesindia.com/article/ie/paradox-of-choosing-platforms/34553/1

3. Euro-China News (Spain)

· How “Big” Chinese Economy really is?    January 2014,  http://chinatown.ouhua.info/news/2014/02/06/1969774.html

· Is Spain Really “Poor” during Crisis?  August 2013, http://chinatown.ouhua.info/news/2013/08/17/1942088.html

· Panda Express and the Success of Business Model Innovation, November 2012,  http://chinatown.ouhua.info/news/2012/11/02/1817080.html

· The Success of 7-Eleven and the Future of “Convenient” Store, November 2012,  http://chinatown.ouhua.info/news/2012/11/21/1840964.html

· Newsvendor Problem and its Implication for Inventory Management, October 2012,  No. A12-512,  page 42,  http://chinatown.ouhua.info/news/2012/10/03/1774372.html