LIU Hefu Professor Department of Management Science Discipline: Management Information System Office:Room 413, School of Management Phone:+86-551-63606822 Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 2010 |
EDUCATION: ? 2005/09-2010/02 MIS Ph.D., The City University of Hong Kong ? 2004/09-2009/11 MS Ph.D., The University of Science and Technology of China ? 1998/09-2002/07 Economics Bachelor, Anhui University of Finance and Economics
ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS ? 2017/01- date, Professor, The University of Science and Technology of China. ? 2010/09- 2016/12, Associate Professor, The University of Science and Technology of China. ? 2015/06-2015/08, Research Fellow, The City University of Hong Kong. ? 2012/05- 2012/11, Senior Research Assistant, The City University of Hong Kong. ? 2011/02- 2011/08, Senior Research Assistant, The City University of Hong Kong. ? 2009/12-2010/03, Visiting Scholar, Clarkson University. Clarkson University, ? 2009/09-2010/11, Senior Research Assistant, The City University of Hong Kong. 2007/05-2009/08, Research Assistant, The City University of Hong Kong. ? RESEARCH INTERESTS : IT Adoption, IIT Business Value, Operations Management, Digital Business Model, Omni-channel Management, Organizational Culture
TEACHING INTERESTS ? Business Research Methods Course: Empirical research methods, structural equation modeling (SEM), behavioral research methodology, quantitative methods ? Specialized Courses: Management information systems, Operations management ? Courses taught: Business research method (Ph.D., Master, International MBA), Management information systems (Undergraduate,MBA, International MBA
REPRESENTATIVE PUBLICATIONS 1. Fang, Jie, Liu, Hefu*, Cai, Zhao, & Tan, Chee-Wee (2023), “Omni-channel retailing on platforms: Disentangling the effects of channel integration and inter-platform function usage difference”, Journal of Operations Management, 69(2): 197-216 2. Ho,Candy, Ke, Weiling, Liu, Hefu, Chau, Patrick (2020) Separate versus joint evaluation: The roles of evaluation mode and construal level in technology adoption. MIS Quarterly Forthcoming. 3. Song, Peijian, Wang, Quansheng, Liu, Hefu* and Li, Qi (2020). "The Value of Buy-Online-and-Pickup-in-Store in Omni-Channel: Evidence from Customer Usage Data." Production and Operations Management, 29(4): 995-1010. 4. Liu, Hefu, Wei, Shaobo*, Ke, Weiling, Wei, KK, & Hua, Zhongsheng. 2016. The configuration between supply chain integration and information technology competency: A resource orchestration perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 44: 13-29. 5. Liu, Hefu.*, Weiling, Wei, KK, Gu, Jibao., & Chen, Huaping. 2010. The role of institutional pressures and organizational culture in the firm's intention to adopt internet-enabled supply chain management systems. Journal of Operations Management, 28(5): 372-384. 6. Liu, Along, Liu, Hefu, Gu, Jibao*, Chen, Meng, Jin, Chenglin (2024), “Business Model Implementation of New Ventures: Linking TMT Process Antecedents, Organizational Culture, and Firm Performance” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Online, 7. Li, Yang , Liu,Hefu , Lim E T K , et al. Customer's reaction to cross-channel integration in omnichannel retailing: The mediating roles of retailer uncertainty, identity attractiveness, and switching costs[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2017, 109(MAY):50-60. 8. Liu, Hefu, Ke, Weiling, Wei, Kwok Kee, & Hua, Zhongsheng. 2013b. The impact of IT capabilities on firm performance: The mediating roles of absorptive capacity and supply chain agility. Decision Support Systems, 54(3): 1452-1462. 9. Zhou,Jingmei , Bi,Gongbing , Liu,Hefu , et al. Understanding Employee Competence, Operational IS Alignment, and Organizational Agility – An Ambidexterity Perspective[J]. Information & Management, 2018, 55(6):695-708.
10. Zhang, M., Zhou, J., Chen, M., Liu, H., Online. How Do Goal Orientations Affect Organizational Agility? The Mediating Effects of Ambidextrous Operational Capabilities. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. ahead-of-print 11. Chen, M., Tang, X., Liu, H., & Gu, J. 2023. The impact of supply chain concentration on integration and business performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 257: 15. 12. Li, Y., Chen, M., Cai, Z., & Liu, H. 2023. Online-offline channel integration and innovation ambidexterity: Roles of top management team and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business Research, 160: 113792. 13. Zhu, Z., Huang Q., Liu H. 2023. How Heuristic Cues Impact Crowdfunding Performance: The Moderating Role of Platform Competition Intensity and Platform Demand Potential. Journal of Business Research, 160: 113797. 14. Zhang, L., Pu, X., Cai, Z., Liu, H., & Liang, L. 2023. Uniting partners to cope with environmental uncertainty: Disentangling the role of social capital in developing supply chain agility. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 29(2): 100822. 15. Zhang, M., Chen, M., Zhang, M., & Liu, H. 2023. Environmental performance of servitized manufacturing firms: the (mis)alignment between servitization strategies and inter-organizational information technology capabilities. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 123(3): 722-745. 16. Chen, M., Liu, H., & Tang, X. 2022. Do more concentrated supplier portfolios benefit firm innovation? The moderating roles of financial slack and growth opportunities. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(12): 1905-1936. 17. Chen, L., Liu, H., Zhou, Z., Chen, M., & Chen, Y. 2022. IT-business alignment, big data analytics capability, and strategic decision-making: Moderating roles of event criticality and disruption of COVID-19. Decision Support Systems, 161: 113745. 18. Zhang, M., Liu, H., Chen, M., & Tang, X. 2022. Managerial ties: How much do they matter for organizational agility? Industrial Marketing Management, 103: 215-226. 19. Zhang, L., Liu, H., & Cai, Z. 2022. Addressing the consensus on information sharing in CPFR information systems: Insights from manufacturer - retailer dyads. International Journal of Production Research, 60(11): 3569-3588. 20. Chen, Y., Liu, H., & Chen, M. 2022. Achieving novelty and efficiency in business model design: Striking a balance between IT exploration and exploitation. Information & Management, 59(3): 103268. 21. Zhang, S., Huang, Q., Liu, H., & Wang, Y. 2022. Team social media usage and intra-team competition and cooperation: a social information processing perspective. Information Technology & People, 35(1): 410-434. 22. Liu, X., Zheng, B., & Liu, H. 2022. Understanding the social media interactivity paradox: the effects of social media interactivity on communication quality, work interruptions and job performance. Information Technology & People, 35(7): 1805-1828. 23. Wu, X., Li, Y., Liu, H., & Zhang, K. 2022. Influence of IT support on firms' cross-channel integration: the moderating role of institutional environment. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(4): 1056-1080. 24. Wang, Y., Liu, H., & Fang, J. 2022. Mitigating risk perception in imbalanced supply chain relationships: roles of contract framing and IT integration. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(4): 864-886. 25. Li, Y., Liu, H., & Wei, S. 2022. When Do IT Capabilities Create Value for Buyer Performance? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Supply Chain Information Integration. Information Systems Management, 39(2): 156-176. 26. Liu, A., Gu, J., & Liu, H. 2022. The fit between firm capability and business model for SME growth: a resource orchestration perspective. R&D Management, 52(4): 670-684. 27. Liu, A., Liu, H., Gu, J., 2021. Linking business model design and operational performance: The mediating role of supply chain integration. Industrial Marketing Management, 96: 60-70. 28. Wang, Y., Huang, Q., Davison, R. M., & Yang, F. 2021. Role stressors, job satisfaction, and employee creativity: The cross-level moderating role of social media use within teams. Information & Management, 58(3): 103317. 29. Fang, J., Liu, H., & Li, Y. 2021. Balance cues of online-offline channel integration: Considering the moderating role of customer's showrooming motivation. Information & Management, 58(8): 103535. 30. Wang, J., Huang, Q., Li, Y., & Gu, J. 2021. Reducing transaction uncertainty with brands in web stores of dual-channel retailers. International Journal of Information Management, 61: 102398. 31. Wang, J., Zheng, B., Liu, H., & Yu, L. 2021. A two-factor theoretical model of social media discontinuance: role of regret, inertia, and their antecedents. Information Technology & People, 34(1): 1-24. 32. Deng, M., Liu, H., Huang, Q., & Ding, G. 2021. Effects of enterprise social media usage on task performance through perceived task structure: the moderating role of perceived team diversity. Information Technology & People, 34(3): 930-954. 33. Chen, L., Zheng, B., Liu, H., & Deng, M. 2021. Three-way interaction effect of social media usage, perceived task interdependence and perceived participative leadership on employee creativity. Internet Research, 31(2): 457-478. 34. Fang, J., Liu, H., Li, Y., & Cai, Z. 2021. Retaining customers with in-store mobile usage experience in omni-channel retailing: The moderating effects of product information overload and alternative attractiveness. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 46: 101028. 35. Chen, M., Chen, Y., Liu, H., & Xu, H. 2021. Influence of information technology capability on service innovation in manufacturing firms. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(2): 173-191. 36. Wang, X., Li, Y., Cai, Z., & Liu, H. 2021. Beauty matters: reducing bounce rate by aesthetics of experience product portal page. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(8): 1848-1870. 37. Wang, J., Zheng, B., & Liu, H. 2021. Satisfying consumers all around: a multidisciplinary view of omnichannel retail. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 121(1): 158-171.
38. Wei, S., Ke, W., Lado, A. A., Liu, H., & Wei, K. K. 2020. The Effects of Justice and Top Management Beliefs and Participation: An Exploratory Study in the Context of Digital Supply Chain Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 166: 51–71. 39. Wei, S., Ke, W., Liu, H., & Wei, K.-K. 2020. Supply Chain Information Integration and Firm Performance: Are Explorative and Exploitative IT Capabilities Complementary or Substitutive? Decision Sciences, 51(3): 464-499. 40. Li, Y., Liu, H., Lee, M., & Huang, Q. 2020. Information privacy concern and deception in online retailing: The moderating effect of online–offline information integration. Internet Research, 30(2): 511-537 41. Cai, Z., Liu, H., Huang, Q., Kang, Y., & Liang, L. 2020. Encouraging client's knowledge sharing in enterprise system post-implementation through psychological contract and entrepreneurial orientation. Information Technology & People, 33(2): 689-709. 42. Yang, Q., Gong, X., Zhang, K. Z. K., Liu, H., & Lee, M. K. O. 2020. Self-disclosure in mobile payment applications: Common and differential effects of personal and proxy control enhancing mechanisms. International Journal of Information Management: 102065. 43. Zheng, J., Liu, H., & Zhou, J. 2020. High-performance Work Systems and Open Innovation: Moderating Role of IT Capability. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 120(8): 1441-1457 44. Cai, Z., Liu, H., Huang, Q., & Liang, L. 2019. Developing Organizational Agility in Product Innovation: The Roles of IT Capability, KM Capability, and Innovative Climate. R&D Management, 49(4): 421-438. 45. Ding, G., Liu, H., Huang, Q., & Gu, J. 2019. Enterprise social networking usage as a moderator of the relationship between work stressors and employee creativity: A multilevel study. Information & Management, 56(8): 103165. 46. Li, Y., Liu, H., Lim, T. K. E., Goh, J., Feng, Y., & Lee, M. 2018. Customer's Reaction to Cross-Channel Integration in Omnichannel Retailing:The Mediating Roles of Retailer Uncertainty, Identity Attractiveness, and Switching costs. Decision Support Systems 109: 50-60. 47. Chen, M., Liu, H., Wei, S., & Gu, J. 2018. Top managers' managerial ties, supply chain integration, and firm performance in China: A social capital perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 74: 205-214. 48. Zheng, B., Liu, H., & Davison, R. M. 2018. Exploring the relationship between corporate reputation and the public's crisis communication on social media. Public Relation Review, 44(1): 56-64. 49. Zhou, J., Bi, G., Liu, H., Fang, Y., & Hua, Z. 2018. Understanding employee competence, operational IS alignment, and organizational agility – An ambidexterity perspective. Information & Management, 55(6): 695-708. 50. Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H., & Wang, X. 2018. Improving the agility of employees through enterprise social media: The mediating role of psychological conditions. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1): 52-63. 51. Hu, S., Liu, H., & Gu, J. 2018. What role does self-efficacy play in developing cultural intelligence from social media usage? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 28: 172-180. 52. Pitafi, A. H., Liu, H., & Cai, Z. 2018. Investigating the relationship between workplace conflict and employee agility: The role of enterprise social media. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8): 2157-2172. 53. Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H., & Liang, L. 2016. The moderating role of information technology capability in the relationship between supply chain collaboration and organizational responsiveness: evidence from China. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36(10): 1247-1271. 54. Ding, G., Liu, H., Huang, Q., & Gu, J. 2017. Moderating effects of guanxi and face on the relationship between psychological motivation and knowledge-sharing in China. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(5): 1077-1097. 55. Hu, S., Gu, J., Liu, H., & Huang, Q. 2017. The moderating role of social media usage in the relationship among multicultural experiences, cultural intelligence, and individual creativity. Information Technology & People, 30(2): 265-281. 56. Liu, H., Chu, H., Huang, Q., & Chen, X. 2016. Enhancing the flow experience of consumers in China through interpersonal interaction in social commerce. Computers in Human Behavior, 58: 306-314. 57. Ho, C. K., Ke, W., & Liu, H. 2015. Choice decision of e-learning system: Implications from construal level theory. Information & Management, 52(2): 160-169. 58. Liu, H., Huang, Q., Wei, S., & Huang, L. 2015. The impacts of IT capability on internet-enabled supply and demand process integration, and firm performance in manufacturing and services. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 26(1): 172-194. 59. Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K. K., & Hua, Z. 2015. Influence of power and trust on the intention to adopt electronic supply chain management in China. International Journal of Production Research, 53(1): 70-87. 60. Huang, Q., Davison, R. M., & Liu, H. 2014. An exploratory study of buyers’ participation intentions in reputation systems: The relationship quality perspective. Information & Management, 51(8): 952-963. 61. Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K. K., & Hua, Z. 2013a. Effects of supply chain integration and market orientation on firm performance: Evidence from China. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 33(3): 322-346.
RESEARCH PROJECTS 1 2024.01-2028.12. , PI. Digital supply chain data flow and risk management theory, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2 2020.01-2023.12. , PI. The influence of digital supply chain reconfiguration on firm performance: The empirical research based on business model and platform governance, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 3 2017.01-2019.12., PI. IT business value cocreation in cross-channel supply chain integration, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 4 2016.01-2019.12., PI. IT business value creation in digital business model innovation: The top management team and institutional environment perspective, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 5 2012.01-2014.12., PI. The empirical study of IT business value creation: The supply chain integration and leadership style perspective, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 6 2016.01-2019.12., Co-PI. Research Innovation Community for Big Data Research in Science, Engineering and Management, Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation Program 7 2012.01-2014.12., Co-PI. Exploring the effects of organizational culture on supply chain integration firm performance, the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS & SERVICES ? Journal of Operations Management Editorial Review Board ? Information Technology & People Review manager (SE) ? Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Review manager (SE) |