Estimating a change point in a sequence of very high-dimensional covariance matrices (with Dette, H. and Pan, G. M. ). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117(537), 444-454, 2022.
Universal rank inference via residual subsampling with application to large networks (with Han, X. and Fan, Y. Y.). The Annals of Statistics, 51(3), 1109-1133, 2023.
Weighted statistic in detecting faint and sparse alternatives for high-dimensional covariance matrices (with Pan, G. M.). Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112 (517), 188-200, 2017.
Power iteration for Tensor PCA (with Huang, J., Huang D. Z. and Cheng, G.). Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(128), 1-47, 2022.
Individual-centered Partial Information in Social Networks (with Han, X., Y.X.Rachel Wang and Tong, X.). Journal of Machine Learning Research, 25(230), 1-60, 2024.
SFQRA: Scaled Factor-augmented Quantile Regression with Aggregation in Conditional Mean Forecasting (with Shu, L., Hao, Y. and Chen, Y.). Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Accepted, 2025.
Qing Yang and Xin Tong's contribution to the Discussion of 'Root and community inference on the latent growth process of a network' by Crane and Xu (with Tong, X.). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology, 86(4): 881-882, 2024.
Discussion on "Covariate-assisted ranking and screening for large-scale two-sample inference'' (with Cheng, G.). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 81(2), 228-229, 2019.
A unified matrix model including both CCA and F matrices in multivariate analysis: the largest eigenvalue and its applications (with Han, X. and Pan, G. M. ). Bernoulli, 24 (4B), 3447-3468, 2018.
On high-dimensional change point problem (with Jin, B. S., Pan, G. M. and Zhou, W.). Science China Mathematics, (invited paper), 59 (12), 2355-2378, 2016.
Large dimensional empirical likelihood (with Chen, B. B., Pan, G. M. and Zhou, W. ). Statistica Sinica, 25, 1659-1677, 2015.