• 姓名:
  • 职位:
  • 电话:
  • 邮件:
  • 所属:
  • 主要专业方向:
  • 沈晓蓓
  • 特任教授
  • 63606182
  • fayshen@ustc.edu.cn
  • 管理科学系
  • 运营管理


I will host the following scholars to share their researches and experiences with us. Welcome to join if you are interested.

Prof. Yuting Zhu from Business School, National University of Singapore

Time: Nov. 4, 2024

Location: EMBA Classroom I, School of Management, USTC


上海交通大学 学士 2005.09 -- 2009.06

香港科技大学 博士 2009.09 -- 2013.07


香港城市大学          博士后研究员       2013.08 -- 2016.06

中国科学技术大学   特任副教授          2016.07 -- 2019.01

中国科学技术大学   副教授                2019.01 -- 2022.11

中国科学技术大学   特任教授             2022.11 -- 今






11. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu, Jingsheng (Jeannette) Song. Optimal policies for a multi-echelon inventory problem with service time target and expediting. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management , 2022, 24(4), 2310-2327.  

10. 孔祥印,刘书琪,沈晓蓓*,冯耕中. 代理人过度自信条件下最优激励契约与备货联合决策研究. 系统工程理论与实践, 2022, 42(1), 123-137. 

9. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu, Woonghee Tim Huh. A permutation-dependent separability approach for capacitated two-echelon inventory systems. Operations Research, 2022, 70(4), 1953-1968. 

8. Xu Tian, Gongbing Bi, Xiaobei Shen, Lindong Liu. Crowdsourcing contests with entry cost. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2021, 28(3), 1371-1392. 

7. Xiaobei Shen, Yimin Yu. Capacity allocation with multiple suppliers and multiple demand classes. Production and Operations Management, 2019, 28(11), 2792-2807.

6. Xiaobei Shen, Lina Bao, Yimin Yu, Zhongsheng Hua. Managing supply chains with expediting and multiple demand classes. Production and Operations Management, 2019, 28(5), 1129-1148.

5. Xiaobei Shen, Lina Bao, Yimin Yu. Coordinating inventory and pricing decisions with general price-dependent demands. Production and Operations Management, 2018, 27(7), 1355-1367.

4. Xiaobei Shen, Zoie Shui-Yee Wong, Man Ho Ling, David Goldsman, Kwok-Leung Tsui. Comparison of algorithms to simulate disease transmission. Journal of Simulation, 2017, 11(3), 285-294.

3. Xiaobei Shen, Kwok-Leung Tsui, William H. Woodall, Changliang Zou. Self-starting monitoring scheme for Poisson count data with varying population sizes. Technometrics, 2016, 58(4), 460-471.

2. Xiaobei Shen, Fugee Tsung, Changliang Zou. A new multivariate EWMA scheme for monitoring covariance matrices. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(10), 2834-2850.

1. Xiaobei Shen, Fugee Tsung, Changliang Zou, Wei Jiang. Monitoring Poisson count data with probability control limits when sample sizes are time-varying. Naval Research Logistics, 2013, 60(8), 625-636.

基金信息 - 在研项目

国家自然科学基金,优秀青年科学基金项目,72222015 , 动态库存决策与优化,2023.01 -- 2025.12,200万元,主持。

国家自然科学基金,面上项目,72171215,容量限制下的串行供应链系统备货管理研究,2022.01 -- 2025.12,48万元,主持。

中国科学技术大学,青年创新重点基金,数据驱动的供应链库存决策研究,2022.01 -- 2023.12,30万元,主持。

国家自然科学基金,创新研究群体项目,71921001,平台化供应链的系统设计与运作协同研究(子课题),2020.01 -- 2024.12,670万元,参与。

科技部,国家重点研发计划,2020AAA0103804,智能供应链通用算法技术研发(子课题),2020.01 -- 2023.12,177万元,参与。

基金信息 - 结题项目

国家自然科学基金,重点项目,71731010,社会运作管理理论、方法和应用,2018.01 -- 2022.12, 245万元,参与。

国家自然科学基金,青年科学基金项目,71701190,限时服务下的电商供应链系统库存管理研究,2018.01 -- 2020.12,19万元,主持。后评估,特优。

中国科学技术大学,校科研启动基金,2019.01 -- 2021.12,30万元,主持。

中国科学技术大学,管理学院科研启动基金,2016.07 -- 2018.06,20万元,主持。








Prof. Shouqiang Wang from Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas.

Time: July 18, 2024, 10:00 am

Location: EMBA Classoom II, School of Management, USTC

Prof. Junhong Chu from Business School, Hong Kong University

Time: Oct. 10 -12, 2024

Location: EMBA Classoom I, School of Management, USTC

Prof. Juan Du from HKUST, GZ

Time: Oct. 28, 2024

Location: EMBA Classroom I, School of Management, USTC
