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WU Jianlin Associate Professor Department of Business Administration Discipline: Organization & Human Resources Office:Roorm 609 , School of Management Phone:0551-63600807 Email:wjl@ustc.edu.cn Joined University of Science and Technology of China in 1999 |
Yu Wang, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu, Fan Wang. An elaboration likelihood model of perceived safety risk in ride-sharing continuance: Platform quality cues as antecedents and gender as moderator. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour(SSCI), 2025, Volume 109: 367-382. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2024.12.025 Enhui Yan,Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu. Marketing capability, technology capability and complementor performance: The mediating role of platform network centrality. Chinese Management Studies(SSCI), 2025, 19(1): 23-41. https://doi.org/10.1108/CMS-09-2022-0309 Wenjun Cai, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Open Innovation: The Moderating Role of Firm Proactiveness. Management Decision(SSCI) , 2023 (published online). https://doi.org/10.1108/MD-09-2022-1174 Lixin Sheng, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu. Leveraging strategic network resources into firm performance: the roles of dynamic capabilities and platform monitoring. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing(SSCI), 2024, 39(9): 1907-1921. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-08-2023-0458 Fan Wang, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu, Yu Wang. Perspective taking and public acceptance of nuclear energy: Mediation of trust in government and moderation of cultural values. Journal of Cleaner Production (SSCI), 2024, volume 434, article 140012. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140012 Zhichen Zhao, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. Effects of technology capability and marketing capability on manufacturing firms' cross-channel integration capability: The moderating role of platform IT support. Journal of Data, Information and Managementt, 2023, 5(3): 193–206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42488-023-00098-6 Jianlin Wu, Wenjun Cai*, Yi Song. Determinants of social enterprise performance: The role of passion, competence, and organizational Legitimacy. Nonprofit Management & Leadership (SSCI) , 2023, 33(4): 807-834. https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21553 Jianlin Wu, Wenhao Cai*. Research on the influence of social relations on social enterprise performance: The meadiating role of business model innovation. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2023, 53(5): 0506. DOI: 10.52396/JUSTC-2022-0109 Lixin Sheng, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*.How does entrepreneurial orientation influence firm performance? The roles of corporate social responsibility and institutional environments. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (SSCI) , 2023, 30(4): 2021-2036. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2471 Rui Xu, Jianlin Wu*, Jibao Gu, Tatbeeq Raza-Ullah. How inter-firm cooperation and conflicts in industrial clusters influence new product development performance? The role of firm innovation capability. Industrial Marketing Management(SSCI), 2023, 111: 229-241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2023.04.009 Shucheng Wang, Jianlin Wu*, Changqing He, Jibao Gu. The impact of Authoritarian Leadership on Employee Creativity: The Joint Moderating Roles of Benevolent Leadership and Power Distance. Journal of Managerial Psychology(SSCI), 2022, 37(6): 527-544. Di Zhao, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. Higher-quality Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), higher-level voice? The impact of LMX differentiation and LMX mean on promotive and prohibitive team voice. Current Psychology (SSCI), 2022, 41, 4692-4710. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00985-w Wenjun Cai, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*.How CEO Passion Promotes Firm Innovation: The Mediating Role of Top Management Team (TMT) Creativity and the Moderating Role of Organizational Culture. Current Psychology (SSCI),2023, 42(9): 6963-6979. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02030-w https://rdcu.be/cnBfa Di Zhao, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. Can high leader–member exchange spark low creativity among graduate students- The role of stress and personal initiative. Current Psychology (SSCI), 2021, 40(9): 4488-4499. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-00985-w Meng Shao, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. To drink or not to drink; that is the question! Antecedents and consequences of employee business drinking. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI), 2022 , 39(1): 343-363. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-020-09731-z Wenjun Cai, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. How entrepreneurship education and social capital promote nascent entrepreneurial behaviours: The mediating roles of entrepreneurial passion and self-efficacy. Sustainability(SSCI)2021, 13(20):11158. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011158 Wenjun Cai, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. From CEO passion to exploratory and exploitative innovation: The moderating roles of market and technological turbulence. Management Decision (SSCI) , 2021, 59(6): 1363-1385. Ting Wang, Jianlin Wu *, Jibao Gu, Lingyu Hu. Impact of open innovation on organizational performance in different conflict management styles: based on resource dependence theory. International Journal of Conflict Management (SSCI), 2021, 32(2): 199-222. Fan Wang, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. Perspective Taking, Energy Policy Involvement, and Public Acceptance of Nuclear Energy: Evidence from China. Energy Policy (SSCI), volume 145, article 111716: 1-10. Yu Wang, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*. Explaining local residents' acceptance of rebuilding nuclear power plants: The roles of perceived general benefit and perceived local benefit. Energy Policy (SSCI), 2020, volume 140, article 111410: 1-11. Jing Wang, Yazhou Li, Jianlin Wu*, Jibao Gu, Shuo Xu. Environmental beliefs and public acceptance of nuclear energy in China:A moderated mediation analysis. Energy Policy (SSCI), 2020, volume 137, article 111141: 1-12. Di Zhao, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. Can high leader-member exchange spark low creativity among graduate students? The role of stress and personal initiative. Current Psychology (SSCI) (accepted) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-019-00389-5 Lingyu Hu, Jianlin Wu *, Jibao Gu. The Impacts of Task- and Relationship-oriented Personal Initiative on Entrepreneurial Intention. Sustainability (SSCI) , 2019, 11(19), 5468. Ping Lu, Xiangyang Cai, Zhuping Wei, Yinqiu Song, Jianlin Wu*. Quality management practices and inter-organizational project performance: Moderating effect of governance mechanisms. International Journal of Project Management (SSCI)2019, 37(6): 855-869. Jun Song, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*, Shuo Xu. Differential promotive voice—prohibitive voice relationships with employee performance: power distance orientation as a moderator. Asia Pacific Journal of Management (SSCI), 2019, 36(4):1053–1077. Nan Hu, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. Cultural Intelligence and Employees’ Creative Performance: The Moderating Role of Team Conflict in Inter-organizational Teams[J]. Journal of Management & Organization(SSCI), 2019, 25(1): 96-116. Chuncheng Zhou, Nan Hu, Jianlin Wu*, Jibao Gu. A New Scale to Measure Cross-organizational Cultural Intelligence: Initial Development and Validation. Chinese Management Studies(SSCI),2018, 12(3): 658-697. Jibao Gu, Lingyu Hu* ,JianlinWu, Augustine A. Lado. Risk propensity, self-regulation, and entrepreneurial intention: Empirical evidence from China[J]. Current Psychology(SSCI), 2018, 37(3): 648-660. Jibao Gu, Di Zhao, Jianlin Wu*. Can curriculum help career success? An empirical research on the perceived employability of students. Higher Education Research & Development(SSCI),2018, 37(5): 966-983. Lingyu Hu, Jibao Gu, Jianlin Wu*, Augustine Lado. Regulatory focus, environmental turbulence, and entrepreneur improvisation[J]. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal(SSCI), 2018, 14(1): 129-148. Ping Lu, Shimei Yuan, Jianlin Wu*. The interaction effect between intra-organizational and inter-organizational control on the performance of new product development in open innovation[J]. International Journal of Project Management(SSCI), 2017, 35(8): 1627-1638. Jun Song, Jianlin Wu, Jibao Gu*. Voice behavior and creative performance moderated by stressors[J]. Journal of Managerial Psychology(SSCI), 2017, 32(2): 177-192. Jibao Gu, Jun Song, Jianlin Wu*. Abusive supervision and employee creativity in China: Departmental Identification as mediator and Face as moderator[J]. Leadership & Organization Development Journal(SSCI), 2016, 37(8): 1187-1204. Jianlin Wu, Qi Dai. The Impact of Product-harm Crisis on Purchase Intention: Moderating Effects of Consumer Ethnocentrism. The 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government(ICEE2012), 11-13 May 2012, Shanghai, China: 673-676. Jianlin Wu, Ning Zhu, Qi Dai. Consumer ethnocentrism, product attitudes and purchase intentions of Domestic Products in China. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), 2010/3/25-27, Chengdu, China: 2262-2265. Qi Dai, Liang Liang, Zhongpeng Cao, Jianlin Wu. Responses to Two-sided Advertising: The Moderating Effects of Need for Cognition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010), 2010/3/25-27, Chengdu, China: 2456-2459. Jianlin Wu, Qi Dai. Moderating Effect of Personal Innovativeness in the Model for E-store Loyalty. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010), 2010/5/7-9, Guangzhou, China: 2065-2068. Qi Dai, Liang Liang, Jianlin Wu, Zhongpeng Cao. The Impact of Message Sidedness on Online Ads Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Involvement. Proceedings of the International Conference on E-business and E-government (ICEE2010), 2010/5/7-9, Guangzhou, China:: 3164-3167. Jibao Gu, Fangfang Qi, Jianlin Wu. The forecasting of civilian car ownership of Chinese Provinces based on Gompertz model. The Dynamics of Urban Agglomeration in China——Preferences of Energy-saving and Environment-friendly Society. (ed. Zhang Hanjiang, Zhang Henry). (Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Sustainable Development of City Group): 120-124. Yugang Yu, Liang Liang, Jianlin Wu, YANG Bo. A kind of ordering method with the permission of backorder in MRP. Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 10-14, 2002: 2590-2594, Shanghai, P.R.China. Liang liang,Yugang Yu, Jun Zhou, Jianlin Wu. A kind of ordering method with finite replenishment rate in MRP. Proceedings of International Conference on Global Supply Chain Management, August 5-7, 2002: 128-133. Christian Artmann, Thomas Lechler, Jianlin Wu. High-Growth Start-ups – Demanding an Entrepreneurial Growth Theory. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, PICMET’01, July29-August 2, 2001, Portland, Oregon, USA. |