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  • 苟清龙
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  • tslg@ustc.edu.cn
  • 管理科学系
  • 运营管理


    苟清龙,男,博士、教授、博士生导师。分别于2000年、2007年获中国科学技术大学经济学学士和管理学博士,于2013920148月期间访问The University of Texas at Dallas。主要研究兴趣包括运营管理与市场营销、信息系统等领域的交叉研究,在包括POMDecision SciencesIEEE SMCTREIJPRIJPESCI/SSCI国际期刊发表论文30余篇,其中UTD-24顶刊论文2篇。

8. 20216月 安徽省优秀党务工作者

7. 20215月 教育部思政课程团队(第二参与人)

6. 20201月 安徽省教学成果奖一等奖(第四完成人

5. 201612月 教育部自然科学一等奖(第六完成人)
4. 20124月 杨亚校友基金-爱岗敬业奖
3. 20111月 教育部自然科学一等奖(第五完成人)
2. 20111月    Omega, Best Reviewer Award(2010)
1. 20087月    The XVIII ACME International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, (Toronto, Canada) Best Theoretical Paper Award(最优理论论文奖)

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:创新型众包平台中的竞赛机制设计、服务与定价问题研究,项目主持人(项目编号:72071188,时间:20211月-202412月)。 

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:O2O环境下的供应链决策模型研究,项目主持人(项目编号:71671170,时间:20171月-202012月)。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:考虑参考点效应的动态广告模型,项目主持人(项目编号:71271198,时间:20131月-201612月)。
2. 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目:电子商务环境下的快速物流系统研究,主要参与人(项目编号:71110107024,时间:2012.01-2016.12)。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:典型合作广告中的契约问题研究,项目主持人(项目编号:70901068,时间:2010.01-2012.12)。

Selected Publications

42. Zheng, Y., Gou, Q., Li, J., & Wei, F. (2024) Decision behaviour and performance in a paired newsvendor: the role of peer effects.  Journal of the Operational Research Society. Doi:10.1080/01605682.2024.2354896.

41. Zhang, W., Hou, T., & Gou, Q. (2023). Choosing a self-built or an intermediary platform for hosting winner-take-all crowdsourcing contests?. Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-023-05712-9. 

40. Zhang, W., He, Y., Gou, Q., & Yang, W. (2023) Optimal advance selling strategy with information provision for omni-channel retailers. Annals of Operations Research, 329, 573–602.

39.  Da, Y., Gou, Q., & Liang, C. (2023) Will self-gifting of streamers hurt unions? Analyzing the union’s compensation mechanism for a live streaming supply chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 177, 103230.

38. Yang, W., Wu, Y., Gou, Q., & Zhang, W. (2023) Co-opetition strategies in supply chains with strategic customers. Production and Operations Management, 32(1), 319-334.

37. Zhang, M., Gou, Q., Yu,L., & Zhang, J. (2022) Pricing decisions for a social comparison product supply chain.  Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 168, 102934.

36. Yang, X., Gou, Q., Wang, X., & Zhang, J. (2022). Does bonus motivate streamers to perform better? An analysis of compensation mechanisms for live streaming platforms. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164, 102758.

35. Tao, Z., Gou, Q.*, & Zhang, J. (2020). A local seller's app channel strategy concerning delivery, International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 220-255. 

34. Gou, Q., Shao, J., Wang, X.*,& Yu, L. (2020). Co-op supply chains with a local media company: Models and analysis, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 136(4), 101893. 

33. Gou. Q., Wang, X., & Zhang J. (2019).  Equilibrium and incentives for supervisor–postgraduate collaborations: A game-theoretic approach. RAIRO-Operations Research,  53(5), 1729-1747. 

32. Ji, Y., Wang, R.*, & Gou, Q. (2019) Monetization on mobile platforms: Balancing in-App advertising and user base growth, Production and Operations Management, 28(9), 2202-2220. 

31. Wang, X., Tao Z., Liang, L., & Gou, Q.* (2019) An analysis of salary mechanisms in the sharing economy: The interaction between streamers and unions, International Journal of Production Economics, 214, 106-124. 

30. Cheng, X., Gou, Q., Yue, J., & Zhang Y. * (2019) Equilibrium decisions for an innovation crowdsourcing platform, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 125, 241-260. 

29. Zhang, Y., He, Y., Yue, J., & Gou, Q. * (2019) Pricing decisions for a supply chain with refurbished products, International Journal of Production Research, 57(9), 2867-2900. 

28. Gou, Q., Deng F., & He Y. (2018) Selective crowdsourcing with various type task: models and analysis, Journal of Modelling in Management,  13(4), 815-839. 

27. Wang, R., Gou, Q., Choi, T. M.*, & Liang, L. (2018). Advertising strategies for mobile platforms with "Apps". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 48(5), 767-778. 

26. He, Y., Zhang, J., Gou, Q.*, & Bi, G. (2018). Supply chain decisions with reference quality effect under the O2O environment. Annals of Operations Research, 268(1-2), 273-292. 

25. Zhang, T., Ge, L., Gou, Q., & Chen, L. (2018). Consumer showrooming, the sunk cost effect and online-offline competition. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 19(1), 55-74.

24. Wang, N., Gu, J., Gou, Q., & Yue, J. (2017). Supply chain contracting with linear utility function. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 1-20.

23. Pan, R., Gou, Q., & Huang, Z. (2017) Coordinating Supply Chains with Fairness Concerns using Option Contracts,  Applications of Management Science, 18, 167-188.

22. Gou, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., & Liang, L. (2017). Nash equilibria of co-operative advertising programs with advertising threshold effects. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 16(4), 981-1004.

21. Zhang, J., Gou, Q., Li, S. X., & Huang, Z. (2017). Cooperative advertising with accrual rate in a dynamic supply chain. Dynamic Games and Applications, 7(1), 112-130.

20. Wu, Y., Li, H.*, Gou, Q., & Gu, J.(2017). Supply chain models with corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Production Research, 55(22), 6732-6759. 

19.  Wang N, Gou Q*,  Fang X, Liang L. (2017) Supply chain performance and coordination under two wholesale price contracts with the market disruption. International Transactions in Operational Research, 24 (4), 713-736. 

18. Zhang, T., Zhu, X., & Gou, Q. (2017). Demand forecasting and pricing decision with the entry of store brand under various information sharing scenarios. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 34(2), 1-26.

17. Zhang, Y., Li, J., & Gou, Q*. (2017). An allocation game model with reciprocal behavior and its applications in supply chain pricing decisions. Annals of Operations Research, 258(2), 347-368. 

16. Gou, Q., Sethi, S., Yue, J., & Zhang, J*. (2016). Push and pull contracts in a local supply chain with an outside market. Decision Sciences, 47(6), 1150-1177. 

15. Lu, L., Gou, Q., Tang, W., & Zhang, J*. (2016). Joint pricing and advertising strategy with reference price effect. International Journal of Production Research, 54(17), 5250-5270. 

14. Zhang, J., Gou, Q.*, Yang, F., & Liang, L. (2016). Online hot selling period and its impact on e-retailer's pricing strategies. International Journal of Production Research, 54(7), 1899-1918. 

13. Liu, X., Gou, Q.*, Alwan, L., & Liang, L. (2016). Option contracts: a solution for overloading problems in the delivery service supply chain. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(2), 187–197. 

12. Shen, T., Dai, R., Wang, R., & Gou, Q. (2015) The impact of online additional reviews on consumer's purchase process, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, 6(1), 24-40. 

11. Zhou, E., Zhang, J., Gou, Q.*, & Liang, L. (2015). A two period pricing model for new fashion style launching strategy. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 144-156. 

10. Zhang, T., Gou, Q., & Liang, L. (2015). Suppliers’ competition and manufacturer’s product mix: the role of ingredient brand. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 13(3), 293-307.

9. Gou, Q. , Zhang, J.*, Liang, L., Huang, Z., & Ashley, A. (2014). Horizontal cooperative programmes and cooperative advertising. International Journal of Production Research, 52(3), 691-712. 

8. Zhang, J., Gou, Q.*, Zhang, J., & Liang, L. (2014). Supply chain pricing decisions with price reduction during the selling season. International Journal of Production Research, 52(1), 165-187.

7. Zhang, J., Gou, Q., Liang, L., & He, X*. (2013). Ingredient branding strategies in an assembly supply chain: models and analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 51(23-24), 6923-6949. 

6. Zhang, J., Gou, Q.*, Liang, L., & Huang, Z. (2013). Supply chain coordination through cooperative advertising with reference price effect. Omega: the International Journal of Management Science, 41(2), 345-353. 

5. Wang, M., Gou, Q., Wu, C., & Liang L. (2013) An aggregate advertising response model based on consumer population dynamics, International Journal of Applied Management Science,  5(1), 22-38.

4. Wang, K., Gou, Q., Sun, J., & Yue, X. (2012). Coordination of a fashion and textile supply chain with demand variations. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 21(4), 461-479.

3. Gou, Q., Ren, L., Liang, L., & Huang, Z. (2008). An inventory approach for a local collection point in reverse supply chains. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 1(1), 55-84.

2. Gou, Q., Liang, L., Xu, C., & Zha, Y. (2008). A Modified Joint Inventory Policy For Vmi Systems. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 7(2), 225-240.

1. Gou, Q., Liang, L.*, Huang, Z., & Xu, C. (2008). A joint inventory model for an open-loop reverse supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 116(1), 28-42.

